Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Storybook Favorites

Here are a few of my favorite Storybooks that demonstrated creativity!

Alice's Journey...Through Social Media? (READ HERE)

Alice's Journey...Through Social Media? is a great story with a familiar topic. Alice in Wonderland was the inspiration of this story, but the story had a twist. The event layout of the story was spot on with the original. The presentation of the story was unique and different. The story was presented through Alice's social media accounts. Due to the well known nature of Alice in Wonderland, it was easy to follow along with the story. Overall the design of the pages was great. The style was simple to follow and enjoyable to look at. I liked the use of "personal photos" from Alice and the creation of social media inspired pictures. This style of image is shown below.

Alice's Snap Story, web source: SnapSR)

Nine Lives of a Cat (READ HERE)

Nine Lives of a Cat is a in-depth story filled with life lessons. I enjoyed the idea of going through the nine lives of a cat and each life being its own separate entity. The topic was entirely new to me and kept me curious the entire time. The first sentence of the introduction grabbed my attention and made me excited to continue reading. With this said, I felt that the story lacked simplicity. I was struggling to understand exactly what the story was wanting me to understand. The story also utilized quotes at the top of each section which I enjoyed in this story. Images were used as well, but the story did not rely on them or utilize them as other stories did. The images were thrown in the bottom of the page with no direct tie to the story. 

Retirement Home for the Gods (READ HERE)

Retirement Home for the Gods is a fun and playful story about the adventures in Greek Mythology from the Gods themselves. Yahtzee, a popular dice game, is the center of the story. It is the place where all the Gods compete and boast about themselves. Understanding the dynamics of the game makes the actions of the characters easy to visualize. The introduction grabs the readers attention and does a great job of explaining the relationship between the characters in the story. There was diversity between the characters, their morals, their personality, and their stories. This diversity kept the story interesting throughout, but I wish there was a separate conclusion to the story.  Concerning the design, I felt there was more room for creativity in the image selection. 

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