Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reading Notes: Celtic Fairy Tales, Part B

Hi there guys!

Okay so the story I will be doing my notes over today is kinda a creepy one.... not like super creepy, but the picture they use really freaks me out. So I will insert it below ha ha.

(Creepy Dwarfs illustrated by John D. Batten)

So what on earth is this story about? Well it is about a woman who had twins that she cared for a nursed. Some strange things occurred in the town, but he mother always checked on her twins and they were always okay. Everyone in the town became suspicious though because the twins never grew. They stayed the same size for a very long time. So, the woman went to seek advice and was told to boil a hens egg, clean it out, fill it with porridge, take it outside, and listen to see if the twins were truly babies or not. When she did this she heard them talk as if the were adults. The wise man had told her if they did this to run inside and snack them and thrown them in the lake. She did this and goblins came and saved the dwarfs and returned the mother her real children. 

Yeah like super creepy....

Why would the dwarfs even want to be with the mother?
Where were the real twins at this time?
Why is this story so creepy?

Moving on from that, the language was actually pretty easy to follow and understand. The story was fairly short too. Overall, it was written very well. I like how there was actual factual history in the text. This included the location of the story. That is a great idea to include that and a hyperlink so the reader can do more exploring. 

To end these notes I just want to emphasis I will NOT be retelling this story. In the case that I were to retell it, I would answer some of my questions (see above) and make it less creepy. Maybe not have goblins haha.


Celtic Fairy Tales, Part B, Brewery of Eggshells by Joseph Jacobs. Retrieved from Mythology and Folklore UN-Textbooks

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