Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 9 Story: A Letter from Fox-Fire

Author's note: This story takes place immediately before the Chinese fairy tale Fox-Fire. In the original story, there is a young farmer who takes an Elixir of Life from a fox. The boy is able to become very rich and bring happiness to many people. The fox ends up taking the elixir back in the end. The story left out how the fox found the elixir in the first place and why the fox was out in the open with it. To fill in those details I created a story that explains it. The story is written from the fox's point of view in mainly past tense. 

A Letter from Fox-Fire

(Fire-Fox by Creative Commons)

A long time ago I found the Elixir of Life.

I was only a small pup when an early winter storm stuck my family's forest. The temperature dropped rapidly, and my litter and I grew very sick. My mothered feared we would die, and she had no idea what to do. 

There was legend of an elixir high up in a tree guarded by wolves. This elixir could control life itself. If my family had the elixir, I knew we could stay warm and healthy during the winter. 

Out of my litter, my mom believed that I was the most cunning of my litter mates. As foxes, we are notorious for being tricksters, but some of us are more gifted than others. 

My mom sent me away to find the elixir and bring it back to my family. 

I had started my journey at dawn. The wind whipped against my fur and I remember growing cold very fast. I had continued my journey deeper and deeper into the woods. Further and further I got away from my family. 

By noon I had heard the howls of wolves. I let their ferocious sounds guide me closer and closer. 

Just before I had reached the pack of wolves, I ran into a man and a baby. They had hunting rifles and were watching the wolves very closely. The man had heard me instantly. He turned around and pointed his riffle at me. 

I begged for my life. Even so, the man showed no sympathy. I had no idea what to do. I decided to make a deal with the man. I saw how cold the baby was and how poorly dressed they both were. So, I told the man that if he shot all of the wolves I would provide comfort to both him and the baby for life. 

The man lowered the riffle and asked me how. 

I told him I could not say, but there is something very powerful in the tree that only a fox could get. 

The man turned around and shot all of the wolves. I ran to the tree and jumped from limb to limb. In the thickest portion of the tree was a hidden glimmer of gold. I reached in and found a golden sphere. It was the Elixir of Life. I swallowed it whole, so the man and baby would not see and take it from me. 

I emerged from the tree and warmed the baby and man. I made fruit trees grow from the ground instantly. The man and baby then ate. I created a warm stream running beside us. The man and baby drank. The man was very pleased but asked how I would take care of them for life. 

I told the man that when the baby was in need, I would emerge to his eye. I would be invisible until then. Neither the man or the baby must ever shoot another fox, or I would never emerge. The man agreed and away I went. 

I found my litter and provided warmth to us all. I created food and shelter. My family was happy with me, but they had no idea that my tricks had failed me at that time. I had promised my power to a man. Until that time came though, I did everything I could for my family. 

Days ago, the time came. The baby has grown and is now a fatherless boy. I feel the need to find him. 

That is where I am now. I am on my journey to find the boy. Who knows what will happen.

Chinese Fairy Tales Part B by Donald Mackenzie. Website: Mythology and Folklore UN-Textbook


  1. Hi Camille, I really enjoyed reading this, particularly because of the amount of sensory details you added to the story. Reading the story made me feel like I was the one trekking up a mountain in the cold. I also think it's really cool how you chose to do a sort of prequel to a story that you read. I haven't seen that idea be used before and I'm excited to try out something similar!

  2. Hi Camille! I really enjoyed reading your story! You found where the gaps in the story needed to be filled and you filled them-excellent job! The details you used to describe the fox's riveting adventure really helped me to connect to the story and kept me entertained throughout. It was also sweet how the fox promised to provide for the man who spared his life and he followed through on his promise! It was an exciting and heartwarming story overall.

  3. Hi Camille!

    I loved this take on the original story! It's so interesting to see a backstory for an already existing folk story, and you've done a great job in creating it. Plus, your author's note was a perfect length with just the right information to let the reader know what's going on and make them want to read it without spoiling the rest of the story. Great job! :)

  4. Hello Camille! You did a great job of creating a prequel. It was very interesting. When you mention the legend it would be cool to know where the legend came from. I also wonder why the fox followed the sound of the wolves? Is that part of the legend? Find the wolves and you will find the elixir? It sounds like this elixir is all powerful! Maybe you could explain what it can do to help the reader better understand its abilities. Good job!

  5. Hey Camille, I loved your addition to the Fox-Fire story. As I read more of your blog posts and stories, I realize that you are very creative in how you choose to write your stories. I have never thought about writing a prequel to an already written story. This makes me very interested to see if I could write one before this class is over. I felt as though your story was very real and I was almost there in it. What a great story!
