Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reading Notes: More English Fairy Tales, Part A

Hey there!

So, I just read some of the English fairy tales and have picked one called Tattercoats to focus on. I selected this story because it is very similar to Cinderella. I wanted the opportunity to sit down with the story and really compare and contrast it. Also, I am currently addicted to Cheezburger so here is a picture I made.
(Pumpkin Pupper made with Cheeseburger)

Tell me that is not the cutest puppy ever. No there are no pumpkins in this story, but there are pumpkins in Cinderella. So, there is the first contrast ha ha!!!

Anyways, in Tattercoats there is a girl who's grandfather hates her. He hates her because during her birth her mother died and her mother was his favorite daughter. He is also rich, but he is a huge jerk. He refused to see his granddaughter. Over the years she is mistreated, hungry, and has no nice clothing. No one takes care of her except one servant.

That in itself is pretty different from Cinderella. There are no evil sisters or an evil step mom. Saddly  no talking and singing mice. I really was hopeful for a cute singing animal. Moving on though....after that set up, the rest isn't too far off. Tattercoats can't go to the ball that a prince is having to pick out his wife. She goes to a field and actually meets some guy who tells her to go to the ball with him (he was impressed by her flute). This guy is actually the prince. He tells the king this is his wife and she magically transforms and is then wearing a pretty dress. Happy ever after. 

So, if I were to change this, I would add significantly more cute and fluffy animals. Other than that, I love this story and want to keep it pretty similar!

More English Fairy Tales, Part A, Tattercoats by Joseph Jacobs. Retrieved from Mythology and Folklore UN-Textbooks

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